Our Impact


young people engaged


young people supported into jobs & apprenticeships


meals provided


hours invested in young people learning new hobbies


invested into young people’s social action programmes


  • Beyond the Bias have a really good track record of supporting young people in their environment in the community.

    London Youth

  • In collaborating with Beyond the Bias, we've not only strengthened our diversity pipeline but also enriched our community with talented individuals.

    Young Brent Foundation

  • Beyond the Bias and their dedication to social mobility and breaking systemic barriers is unparalleled.

    Poplar HARCA

  • Beyond the Bias is an essential partner in our borough's efforts to drive social change and foster a culture of inclusion.

    Tower Hamlets

  • Beyond the Bias is more than a partner - they are a vital bridge in connecting inspiring young people to educational opportunities.

    Arts Council England

  • Beyond the Bias doesn't just talk about social mobility - they deliver. Their innovative programmes are a model for what collaboration between sectors can achieve.
