Wembley Mural

In partnership with a school in Wembley, we delivered a 3-day art workshop to empower young artists.

The workshop worked closely with 8 individuals, upskilling them in graphic design, fine line sketching and graffiti stencilling. We explored art and diversity and looking at how we, as artists, could represent ourselves and our identity in artwork.

The young people chose to create a mural in their sixth form hall, with caricatures of themselves and important people in their school. This symbolised the diversity of the local community and allowed them to see themselves in this piece of history.

On the final day of the project, the students and volunteers designed, drew and painted the design of the wall. With the support of a professional graffiti artist, they further drew two motivational quotes on walls to inspire their peers.

To say “well done” and mark the moment, we provided the young people with goodie bags filled with grafitti pens, canvases, acrylic paints, fabric pens and more.


Summer Arts Camp 2022


Our Young People at the 2022 Commonwealth Games!